A Giving Tuesday Message From Beth Gibbons

At ASAP our core values are trust, reciprocity, member leadership, and something for everyone (but not everything for everyone). But what is trust? Trust is a gift given between people or institutions. It extends beyond common interests and shared goals to being mutually vulnerable to one another. Trust is a deep and powerful bond. It…

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MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Incorporating Climate Adaptation Policy- A Localized Approach

Mentee Jayla Lundstrom is an Economic Development Coordinator with Salt Lake County where she works on EPA Brownfields programs to assess and remediate environmental contamination in underserved neighborhoods. Prior, she worked as an AmeriCorps VISTA for the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium where she supported Alaska Native communities in securing grants to understand climate impacts…

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September 2022 Peer Learning Round-Up

Peer Learning is at the heart of the ASAP Network! Welcome to the monthly Peer Learning Round-Up! Let’s recap the last opportunities for peer learning at ASAP: Policy Practice Group Our September Policy Practice Group meeting hosted a peer learning session on our third policy priority, “Require all physical and social infrastructure decisions to consider…

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MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Climate Resilience and Adaptation Conversations Between the Public and Private Sector

Mentee Sidney Chen is an associate consultant at WSP USA with an educational background in development practice with a focus on sustainability and climate change. Sidney supports clients by providing strategic and analytical support. Specifically, he helps clients assess business risks and opportunities associated with the physical impacts of climate change and the transition to…

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MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Be present. Be active. Be engaged.

Mentee Chris Bobryk is a Planner at the Clinton River Watershed Council in Rochester Hills, Michigan. He leads a variety of programs that help communities plan stormwater management designs and establish long-term community connections to natural resources. Mentor Anna Marandi is a Program Officer at PEW Charitable Trusts working on state-level flood resilience planning and…

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MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Planning for Life’s Personal and Professional Transitions

Katie Lund is a Master’s of Environmental Management (MEM) candidate at the Yale School of the Environment. At the beginning of the ASAP Mentorship Program, Katie was working as a Community Resilience Specialist with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC). For four years, she supported Alaska Native communities in planning, developing, and implementing community-driven…

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MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Understanding What Makes a Climate Adaptation Professional

Mentee Alec Rodriguez is a Water Resources Engineer at Atkins in Denver, Colorado, where he works on water resources and climate resilience projects. He also has experience with H&H modeling, emergency management planning, and water utility risk and resilience assessments. In addition to his day job, he is the Co-Founder and Operations Chair of the…

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MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT: Exploring Climate Adaptation in the Private Sector

Mentee Danielle Curri is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a degree in Civil Engineering. During her time in school, she spent three years serving as the lead researcher on a project developing an optimization model to assist with sustainable industrial development. This project helped spark her passion for sustainable infrastructure. Over the…

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What Inspires You? ASAP’s President-Elect Julia Kim Shares Her Insights

Join ASAP’s first-ever giving campaign and hear from ASAP members on how the Network inspires them and has been a driving force in advancing their career. The campaign ends September 18, make your contribution today! Meet ASAP’s President-Elect Julia Kim and understand how she came to love ASAP: How did you find ASAP? I was…

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