Updated Professional Guidance Resources

Updated ASAP Professional Guidance Resources better integrate justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion concepts and language

Updated versions of the ASAP Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics, Living Guide to the Principles of Climate Change Adaptation, and ASAP Professional Guidance Resources Glossary are now available in the ASAP Resource Library! Key changes include:

  • Revised language in the Code of Ethics and Living Guide to reflect concepts and language used in the ASAP JEDI statement and to embrace asset-based framing.
  • Reorganized sections in the Code of Ethics to reflect order of priority for ASAP members.
  • Enhanced complimentary of Code of Ethics and Living Guide by matching language and streamlining how Values and Beliefs are presented.

“The prioritization and integration of JEDI is a process – a process that needs to inform all aspects of an organization: its structure, policies, programs, and more. Updating ASAP’s Code of Conduct and Professional Ethics and Living Guide to the Principles of Climate Change Adaptation is an essential step in ASAP’s journey to live and breathe our values.” 
— Julia Kim, ASAP Board Member and ASAP JEDI Committee Leadership Team Member.
View additional statements of support here.

A huge thank you to all of the members who participated in the update: Emily Wasley, Gil Peach, Josh Foster, Julia Kim, Vanessa Lueck, Shameika Hanson, Kyle Sullivan, Galen Treuer, Sharon Hausam, Kim Lundgren, Beth Gibbons, Rachel Jacobson, and Breana Nehls. You can find the updated resources here or by clicking on the “professional guidance resources” tab in the resource library. Questions or feedback? Email ASAP Deputy Director Rachel Jacobson.

Thanks to all members who participated in the drafting and review of the original resources – to see those names, visit the ASAP Serves webpage and click on “Advisory and Working Group Members”.