Fayette and Kanawha Counties Improve CRS Ratings

West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) recently recognized the counties of Fayette and Kanawha in their efforts towards fostering more disaster-resistant communities. These efforts led to the counties’ Community Rating System (CRS) classes to improve, which resulted in flood insurance premium reductions through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

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Greater Miami Resilient305 Strategy Released

This past month in Southeast Florida, Miami-Dade County, an ASAP organizational member, alongside the City of Miami and the City of Miami Beach released their Resilient305 Strateg. The Resilient305 Strategy will act as a guide for the Greater Miami area and the Beaches’ climate resilience challenges, touching on topics from rising sea levels to public health and affordable housing.…

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Actionable Science Case Study: Modeling Forest Thinning Effects on Water Yield for the Four Forest Restoration Initiative

Severe drought and wildfires in the Southwest are causing tree die-offs. The Nature Conservancy, through the USFS Four Forest Restoration Initiative, is testing and evaluating new approaches to forest management in the ponderosa pine forests and watersheds around Phoenix. This project, which has demonstrated short term benefits for river flow to the Salt-Verde watershed is just one…

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Restorative Green Infrastructure in the South

Trees are the cornerstone of Savannah, GA’s  green infrastructure system. With increases in population and overall city growth, the number of trees and tree canopy cover has  drastically decreased. In an effort to restore Savannah’s green canopy, renew several marginalized communities, and reduce stormwater runoff and flooding events, Savannah’s Office of Sustainability and their partners launched a…

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Mescalero Apache Tribe Adapts to a Warmer and Drier Climate

Home to the Mescalero Apache Tribe, the Sacramento Mountains in southern New Mexico are experiencing a warmer, drier climate and an increase in extreme weather events. In the face of a changing climate, the Tribe is building capacity—and climate resilience—through forestry management, habitat protection, and an innovative approach to healthy eating. Read this case study…

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Sea Level Rise, A Consideration for New Land Development

Earlier this year, a Judge in Virginia Beach, VA confirmed the City Council could use research on sea level rise to make decisions on zoning and new construction, even if it was not previously built into City codes and regulations. This ruling was the result of a developer suing the City for denying a zoning amendment who…

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Innovation in climate resilience through large-scale green stormwater infrastructure and public-private partnership

New funding approaches to building climate resilience through green stormwater infrastructure are emerging. In 2019, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District planned a public-private partnership (P3), known as Community Based Green Infrastructure (CBGI). The RFP sought a single partner to create a capture capacity of a minimum of 20 million gallons. Along with reducing capture costs,…

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Walnut Way Conservation Corp: Blue Skies Landscaping

In Lindsay Heights, an African American neighborhood in Milwaukee, WI. Walnut Way Conservation Corp. is building community resilience through their program, Blue Skies Landscaping. Specializing in green infrastructure projects, Blue Skies focuses on beautifying vacant lots, residential, and commercial properties while reducing storm water pollution. Walnut Way employs community members, leading to economic opportunity in…

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New ASAP Communications: Targeted, Engaging Content for the Adaptation Field

Our team at ASAP has been working hard to make member publications and the ASAP newsletter more impactful for the adaptation field by curating and disseminating content in a way that is more accessible to readers.  In 2013, ASAP began producing a bi-weekly newsletter, a cornerstone of our work. The original newsletter shared everything from…

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How Economics Can Reframe Adaptation Work

A Conversation with Headwaters Economics In the recent report, Using Economics to Support Climate Adaptation, Headwaters Economics discusses how to make a case for climate adaptation planning through economic methods. As an independent, nonprofit research group Headwaters Economics provides research to help people and organizations develop solutions to some of the most urgent and important…

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