A Giving Tuesday Message From Beth Gibbons

At ASAP our core values are trust, reciprocity, member leadership, and something for everyone (but not everything for everyone). But what is trust? Trust is a gift given between people or institutions. It extends beyond common interests and shared goals to being mutually vulnerable to one another. Trust is a deep and powerful bond. It can live unspoken and unseen, but anchors two beings together through good times and bad.
I learned so much over the past six years as the Executive Director of ASAP. The most important lesson is that the success of this network requires deep trust in one another.
Over the past month, as I have transitioned out of my position of Executive Director to being a general member of ASAP, I felt incredible support, gratitude and fulfillment. I have no doubt that the future of ASAP is bright because of the shared trust between us all. This trust enables us to create just and equitable climate solutions so we can all share in the power and prosperity of a climate-resilient future.
It is critical for adaptation professionals to have a space to share ideas, get support, and learn. ASAP continues to create this space thanks to gifts of many kinds: wisdom, leadership, energy, and financial support. Today, on Giving Tuesday, I hope you will join me in giving a gift to ASAP so that we can continue to work and grow together.
Thank You For Your Support,
Beth Gibbons, Former ASAP Executive Director