2023 Climate Service Providers Academy Recap

Last year marked the return of ASAP’s Private Sector Climate Service Providers Academy, a virtual course providing participants with the tools to develop higher-quality climate services and help businesses succeed in the rapidly evolving climate services marketplace.

The inaugural academy started in 2019 with funding support from the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments (GLISA). It covered the Great Lakes region and grew in 2021 to include the Great Lakes, Carolinas, and Southwest. The 2023 academy was sponsored by the NOAA Climate Adaptation Partnerships Program and held from October 17 to November 28. A milestone to celebrate from the 2023 academy is the expansion to include six regions (Midwest; North-Atlantic; Mid-Atlantic; Caribbean; South Central; California, and Nevada) over 6 weeks. 

The 2023 academy kicked off with over 80 attendees, and participants gained the following knowledge in 8 curated sessions with experts in the field:

  • New skills for accessing the best climate data and information for the North/Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes, California and Nevada, South Central, South East, and the Caribbean.
  • Sophisticated knowledge and relevant examples of the strategies and approaches constituting high-quality climate change adaptation and resilience practice across North America.
  • Connections to complementary businesses and potential partners and collaborators.

A huge thank you goes out to our knowledgeable and robust lineup of speakers! Speakers by session included:

Opening Session – October 17

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

Principles of Quality Adaptation – October 24 

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

Midwest – October 31

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

California and Nevada – November 2

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

Caribbean – November 9

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

South Central – November 14

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

North/Mid-Atlantic – November 16

  • Daniel Bader, Program Manager at the Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN),  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University
  • Dr. Krista Romita Grocholski, Physical Scientist at the RAND Corporation and Director at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (MARISA
  • Lena Easton-Calabria, Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation and Program Manager at MARISA

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

Closing Session Panel – November 28

Session Recording – Replay the session on demand!

Stay tuned for details on ASAP’s next Climate Service Providers Academy and resources available from the sessions. Sign up to receive updates here.