Sustainable DC 2.0

The District of Columbia (Washington, D. C. ) released its Sustainable DC 2. 0 plan on April 23, 2019, updating its 2013 plan. The 2. 0 plan reports on the District’s progress in meeting its sustainability goals: reporting that 27% of the 2013 plan’s actions have been completed and 71% are in progress. New sustainability actions…

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BIA Tribal Resilience Program

The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) launched the Tribal Climate Resilience Partnership and Technical Assistance Program in 2014 to help tribes prepare for climate change.Direct funding supports federally-recognized Tribes and Alaska Native communities in climate resilience planning through competitive awards for climate training, adaptation planning, vulnerability assessments, supplemental monitoring, capacity building, and ocean…

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Regional Collaboratives for Climate Change – A State of the Art

Developed by the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) in 2019, this report summarizes the findings of a survey of 15 Regional Climate Collaboratives (RCCs) that are supporting climate change action at the regional scale in the United States. RCCs are networks that coordinate adaptation (and sometimes mitigation) work across jurisdictional boundaries in municipal regions of the U.…

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OneNYC 2050

OneNYC 2050 is the long-term strategic plan for the City of New York, New York – which is based on values of equity, growth, sustainability, resiliency, and diversity and inclusion. Building on prior long-term plans, OneNYC 2050 seeks to raise the bar set by its predecessors, PlaNYC (2007, 2011) and OneNYC (2015), by seeking to strengthen the democratic…

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The Value of Resilience for Distributed Energy Resources: An Overview of Current Analytical Practices

This analysis from the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) evaluates existing practices of calculating the value of resilience in Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) installed within an energy distribution system. The report examines how the value of resilience was calculated and was applied in both regulatory decision-making and non-regulatory cost-benefit analyses, and provides state…

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San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas

From the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) and the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR), the San Francisco Bay Shoreline Adaptation Atlas offers nature-based coastal climate resilience strategies for the San Francisco Bay Area region of California. The Atlas presents a new view of the Bay area in a map divided into areas…

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Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant Program

Massachusetts’ Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) provides support for cities and towns across the state to begin the process of planning and implementing climate change resiliency projects. The state awards communities with funding to complete vulnerability assessments and develop resiliency plans.

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Minnesota State Hazard Mitigation Plan 2019 – Including Recommended Actions for Climate Change Adaptation

Minnesota’s 2019 State All-Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) includes recommended actions for climate adaptation for the first time in the state’s hazard mitigation planning process. Developed in collaboration with the Interagency Climate Adaptation Team (ICAT), the HMP includes priority adaptation needs for state government from the ICAT 2017 Report – Adapting to Climate Change in Minnesota.…

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Lower Manhattan, New York Climate Resilience Study

Building on the recovery and climate planning efforts in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New York State and City funded the Lower Manhattan Climate Resilience Study to identify adaptation and resilience strategies for Lower Manhattan – which is a critical economic, cultural, and civic hub for New York City and the region. Led by the…

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