C2ES Maximizing Benefits: Strategies for Community Resilience

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) developed this set of briefs on resilience strategies for extreme climate events, primarily to support local government officials in adaptation planning. Key climate resilience strategies are discussed including the co-benefits they provide, and quantitative assessments of the costs and benefits of each strategy. Each brief includes a case…

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Minneapolis 2040 – Minneapolis, Minnesota Comprehensive Plan

Minneapolis 2040 is the City of Minneapolis, Minnesota’s Comprehensive Plan –  that will guide policy and decision making in the city in terms of the built, natural and economic environment for the next ten years. The document includes 14 Goals adopted by the City Council in 2017 that articulate the plan’s intent. One of the…

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NYSERDA Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Environmental Research Program includes a focal Research Area of Climate Change Adaptation. This document focuses on the climate change adaptation component of the program’s comprehensive research plan. NYSERDA’s adaptation research aims to provide “a scientific foundation for formulating effective, equitable, energy-related environmental policies and resource…

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Coastal Risk Consulting

COASTAL RISK CONSULTING ASSISTS MAJOR INVESTOR WITH DUE DILIGENCE FOR PURCHASE AND PROTECTION OF WATERFRONT PROPERTY. Contributed by Hilary Stevens, Coastal Risk Consulting In late 2018, a major investment group was considering the purchase of a waterfront hotel property in Miami Beach, Florida. As part of the due diligence on such a large purchase, the…

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City of Somerville, Massachusetts Climate Forward Plan

Somerville, Massachusetts’ climate change plan includes policies, programs, and strategies for climate change adaptation, mitigation, and social equity. 13 primary strategies or Action Areas were developed to make Somerville climate neutral by 2050, and more climate resilient in the near-and long-term.

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Welcome Aboard the 2019 Mentorship Program Co-Chairs!

Welcome Aboard the 2019 Mentorship Program Co-Chairs! As new Program Co-Chairs, Monica Gregory and Katharine (KC) Stover worked with Rachel Jacobson at ASAP to set up the 2019 cohort for ASAP’s Mentorship Program. The new co-chairs both value increasing diversity in the adaptation field and hope to assist in expanding opportunities to underserved communities through…

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CA EO N-05-19 CAL FIRE to provide recommendations on wildfire prevention and mitigation, including at-risk populations

From California Governor Gavin Newsom, this Executive Order directs CAL FIRE and other state agencies to recommend administrative, regulatory, and policy changes to prevent and mitigate wildfires. To support the California communities most vulnerable to wildfire impacts, the California Department of Fire and Forest Protection (CAL FIRE) will also recommend a methodology to assess what…

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Higher Standards: Opportunities for Enhancing Flood Resilience in the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Georgetown Climate Center (GCC) prepared this report to help the Eastern Shore Climate Adaptation Partnership (ESCAP) identify strategies for adapting to increasing sea-level rise and flood risk in the Eastern Shore region of Maryland. This publication is a part of a series of reports assessing the sea-level rise vulnerability of communities in Maryland’s Eastern Shore,…

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Munich RE NatCatSERVICE Tool

Munich RE’s NatCatSERVICE online tool provides interactive access to one of the world’s most comprehensive databases for analyzing natural catastrophe losses. This archive provides direct access to updated information on insured, economic, and human losses from over 40,000 natural disasters dating back to 1980. Information obtained from this tool can be used in risk assessments…

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Mainstreaming Sea Level Rise Preparedness in Local Planning and Policy on Maryland's Eastern Shore

The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy partnered with the Georgetown Climate Center (GCC), the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative, and the University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center for this analysis on sea level rise preparedness in Maryland’s Eastern Shore region. GCC offers a discussion of strategies related to floodplain, zoning and regulatory standards to support sea level rise…

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