The Sanctuary of Nature

Contributed by Lily Swanbrow Becker, ASAP Network Manager Last September, brought face-to-face with the ephemeral beauty of a ghost orchid while waist-deep in the cold, inky waters of a swamp inside Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge, I experienced deep connection to nature.  But even as a natural resource-focused adaptation professional and proud Floridian, the…

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Mentorship Spotlight: Adaptation Knowledge Networks

Alexander Hurley is Jr. Vice President of Operations for smart-cities startup firm Venture Smarter, Inc. and leads the company’s energy and resilience practice. He is dedicated to supporting governments, businesses, and universities that are researching, building, funding, and deploying smart and sustainable solutions to make better places to live, work, play, and visit. Alex completed…

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Strong, Prosperous, And Resilient Communities Challenge – SPARCC

The Strong, Prosperous, And Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC) is an initiative of Enterprise Community Partners, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the Low Income Investment Fund, and the Natural Resources Defense Council that supports equitable and resilient regional development policies and investments. SPARCC supports innovative, local efforts in six major cities throughout the country…

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A Guide to Climate-Smart Meadow Restoration in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades

This handbook was designed to support climate-smart meadow restoration projects in the mountain meadows of northern California. The report offers guidance on incorporating climate change impacts into a meadow vulnerability assessment, and adaptive measures into restoration planning and design. The report describes how to conduct a vulnerability assessment, and how to apply Point Blue’s climate-smart…

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NAACP’s Our Communities, Out Power: Advancing Resistance and Resilience in Climate Change Adaptation – Action Toolkit

From the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), this comprehensive Toolkit provides a series of modules to help NAACP chapters and other advocates mediate climate adaptation planning processes and ensure that adaptation plans and policies meet local needs, with a focus on frontline communities, environmental and climate justice, and equity. The Toolkit provides…

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Resilient DC – A Strategy to Thrive in the Face of Change

In April 2019, Washington D. C. released its Resilient DC Plan as part of its participation in the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) initiative. The Resilient DC plan presents strategies to help the District address three-main drivers of change: economic and population growth, climate change, and technological transformations.  It is designed to help the District manage threats from…

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Managing Risks to Conservation Investments Through Climate Adaptation

The Wildlife Conservation Society partnered with the Climate Resilience Fund to offer this guidance for investors funding conservation projects – such as private foundations, public agencies and local governments – on how to consider climate change risks inherent in their investments. Climate change is causing dramatic and unpredictable effects on ecosystems and natural resources – creating uncertainties for…

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Sustainable DC 2.0

The District of Columbia (Washington, D. C. ) released its Sustainable DC 2. 0 plan on April 23, 2019, updating its 2013 plan. The 2. 0 plan reports on the District’s progress in meeting its sustainability goals: reporting that 27% of the 2013 plan’s actions have been completed and 71% are in progress. New sustainability actions…

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Welcome our new ASAP Board of Directors!

The American Society of Adaptation Professional is thrilled to announce the appointment of two new directors to our Board of Directors. These two new directors, Emily Wasley and Julia Kim, will join seven seated Board Members for an initial three year term of 2019 through 2022. Emily and Julia join the ASAP Board at an…

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BIA Tribal Resilience Program

The Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) launched the Tribal Climate Resilience Partnership and Technical Assistance Program in 2014 to help tribes prepare for climate change.Direct funding supports federally-recognized Tribes and Alaska Native communities in climate resilience planning through competitive awards for climate training, adaptation planning, vulnerability assessments, supplemental monitoring, capacity building, and ocean…

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