Previous Member-Led Interest Groups
ASAP has convened several Member-Led Interest Groups over the years to connect members around topics they are passionate about. Below is a list of groups that have connected members in the past. If you'd like to learn more about a group, contact the Member Leader listed below.

Convening Climate Collaborators
This group convened monthly in 2022 to explore, share, showcase, and design solutions alongside members of other professional associations. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Lorena Palacios.
Diverse Adaptation Drivers and Approaches
This group convened quarterly in 2021 to examine what makes adaptation drivers and approaches unique across diverse communities while also identifying important similarities across approaches. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Matthew Jones.
Network of Networks
This is a community for those who coordinate and lead existing adaptation networks, collaboratives, and groups to share ideas and benefit from a supportive community of peers. The group promotes knowledge exchange and sharing of adaptation network-related lessons learned, professional development, and collaboration. Learn more about the group’s perspective on peer learning for Climate Adaptation here. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Melissa Ocana.
Good Grief Network: Personal Resilience
The Good Grief Network: Personal Resilience group builds on the success of ASAP’s 2019 Personal Resilience Group, using the Good Grief Network (GNN) 10-step Program to support members in strengthening their personal resilience in this challenging field. After participating in ASAP’s virtual version of the GNN process, members will be equipped with the tools, experience, and motivation they need to successfully facilitate the program in their own communities. If you would like to assess your own personal resilience, take the Personal Resilience Quiz from WSP. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Lily Swanbrow-Becker.
Community Adaptation Planning & Design
This group's purpose was to connect adaptation with design and planning through three primary avenues: first, to provide a knowledge-sharing platform for design and allied professionals to learn from and advance community-based design and adaptation efforts; second, to expand influence and integration of resiliency and sustainability thinking and best practices in design projects and the built environment more generally; and third, to explore how resilient design practice is best able to support issues of social strength, economic growth, and equity in our communities. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Justine Shapiro-Kline.
Think Big: Overcoming Institutional Barriers in Climate Adaptation Planning
The purpose of this group was to convene individuals who share an interest in Institutional Aspects of Climate Change Adaptation Planning to actively exchange practical knowledge and experience as well as to generate new knowledge together. The main objectives are to trigger collective learning and form a community of peers and practitioners that generates practical knowledge, skills, strategies, tools and experiences which can help and guide climate adaptation professionals. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Sebastian Malter.
Personal Resilience Interest Group
This 1-year cohort explored the research around personal resilience, discovered various traits that resilient individuals can obtain to thrive under various stressful conditions, and participated in exercises to enhance our own resilience. To learn more, contact ASAP Member Emily Wasley.