Climate Displacement and Relocation (CDR)
Meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 4:00 PM ET.
Interested in joining? Sign up with this form.
This group serves as a discussion and networking space for those interested in topics related to displacement and relocation due to or compounded by climate change.
Introducing the Updated Group Name
In November 2024, the Climate Migration and Managed Retreat (CMMR) group voted to rename itself to Climate Displacement and Relocation (CDR). The group discussed the need to move away from the term "managed retreat” (see how Columbia University and the National Academies have communicated this) and better represent the nuances of migration.
The newly named Climate Displacement and Relocation (CDR) group is focused on addressing the voluntary and involuntary aspects of movement compounded by climate change. The encompassing terms of climate displacement and relocation are differentiated from adaptation in place or other reasons for migrating. However, the group recognizes that many factors are intertwined, and meeting themes will consider those complex relationships across scales, temporalities, geographies, and impacts.
Some examples of meeting themes:
- Climate compounded relocation - relocation in the context of other reasons for moving (e.g., housing crises, pollution, job security)
- Unpacking the difficult choices people make when considering whether to stay or go
- Concerns specific to receiving communities (i.e., communities into which climate displaced populations move)
- Dynamics of climate migration with federal funding changes
Interested in joining?
Sign up with this form.
Contact Scott Preston at or Angelina DeBenedet at

Past Work
Here is the past work of the formerly named Climate Migration and Managed Retreat (CMMR) group. You can view some of their previously recorded meetings here.
2024 Discussion Topics Included:
- Certification for Receiving Communities
- NASEM Gulf Study
- Beauty in the Built Environment
- Sister Cities and Moving/Adapting Within the City
- Pacific Island Migration
Thank you to all of our speakers!
We are honored to announce that ASAP has received the Climate Change Business Journal Business Achievement Award for Advancing Best…
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