Resources for Strategies for Building Rural Climate Resilience and Workforce Capacity
About the American Society of Adaptation Professionals
About ASAP’s AmeriCorps Planning Grant
Opening Plenary Video Recording
Community-Defined Resilience Needs (Track One)
Developing the Climate Resilience Workforce (Track Two)
Funding and Finance Needs and Opportunities (Track Three)
– Video Recording
– Jamboard for Track 3: Group 1
– Jamboard for Track 3: Group 3
– Notes
– Funding and Finance Initial Assessment Outline
Programming Options for Catalyzing Implementation of Climate Resilience Work (Track Four)
– Video Recording
– Jamboard for Track 4 Plenary Conversation
– Jamboard for Track 4: Group 1
– Jamboard for Track 4: Group 2
– Notes
Participant Resources
Community Co-Design Booklet
Equity in the Built Environment
Every job is a climate job with Project Drawdown Podcast
Regional Climate Hubs
USGS CASC Network and Regional Hubs
Community Energy Planning: Best Practices and Lessons Learned in NREL’s Work with Communities
FAU Pine Jog Environmental Education Center
A big thanks to the host of speakers who dedicated time to contributing to the convening and for using their work to help advance professional learning in climate adaptation!
Join the Rural Climate Resilience and Workforce Development Working Group! We are recruiting individuals to join the working group and support program development for the AmeriCorps planning grant. By joining this group, you will collaborate on developing resources for the grant and for the ASAP Network related to workforce development, capacity building, funding and finance, community-defined needs, and rural climate resilience over the next five months.
If you are interested, please submit THIS FORM by Monday, October 17th.
Please fill out this evaluation form if you haven’t already, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions, ideas, or additional reflections. We’d love to hear from you.

“This material is based upon work supported by AmeriCorps, the operating name of the Corporation for National and Community Service, under Grant No. 23NDCMI002. Opinions or points of view expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of, or a position that is endorsed by, AmeriCorps.”