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  • Name: Nathaly Agosto Filión

    About: I'm an idealist with a pragmatic, people-centered approach to building local resilience. On a day-to-day basis, I work with the New Jersey Interagency Council on Climate Resilience, a body established by executive order in 2019 to improve, launch, advance and accelerate coordinated climate resilience efforts by executive branch state departments and agencies in New Jersey. The Office of Climate Resilience also runs the Resilient NJ, Blue Acres and Coastal Management programs.y resilience. Along with climate change adaptation, my specialties are community resilience, urban sustainability, coalition-building and management, grassroots environmental movement-building, and climate justice advocacy. I've started a Climate Hope Book Club and would welcome anyone to reach out for more information. My more "official" bio is here:

    City: Newark

    State/Province: NJ

    Country: United States of America