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  • Name: Patrick Marchman

    About: I'm a planner and program/project manager with extensive experience in the intersection of adaptation, resilience and hazard mitigation, with background in the environmental and information technology fields. I'm currently supporting the CERC contract for FEMA as a senior-level advisor for FEMA Region VII, based in Kansas City. I founded and lead the Climate Migration and Managed Retreat member interest group for ASAP, and am also involved with the Climigration Network and the Thriving Earth Exchange. I have a master's degree in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington and a bachelor's degree in Decision Sciences from Georgia State University. I am an AICP-certified planner with Certified Environmental Planner advanced specialty certification, and will earn a certificate in strategic foresight from the University of Houston later this year, with the goal of integrating futures thinking into my adaptation work. More about me at; LinkedIn below

    City: Kansas City

    State/Province: MO

    Country: United States of America