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Name: Karl Schultz
About: Mr. Schultz is founder and Chief of Tools Innovation for Climate Adaptation Works, a company based in London and New York. Having worked on public and private sector solutions to climate change since 1994, he is an experienced adaptation practitioner responsible for a variety of climate adaptation investment projects from vulnerability assessment and impact costing, to project design, finance, and monitoring and evaluation. Since 2009 he has been leading development of governance and mechanisms to engage with private companies on climate adaptation. Karl is the creator of the climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™) instrument and associated climate adaptation standards and governance system (VRC Standard Framework), and serves as Executive Chairman of The Higher Ground Foundation. He has led development of climate risk assessment and adaptation tools such as the Vulnerability Reduction Project Manager (VRPM™) and the Adaptation Metrics Mapping Evaluation (AMME) Framework. He is also involved in inte
City: London
State/Province: FOREIGN
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland